I’m a mother of two human beings but I also feel like a mother of quite a few brand identity designs! One such ‘baby’ of mine is the Norwegian loyalty card 'trumf', which was launched in 1996. It’s hugely successful, with over 2 million members. In a small country with less than 5.5 million people, that is quite something. But as for the branding, well as you can see here, it has evolved since I left for Ireland... (My original design is the one to the left.) Times change, consumer interests change, culture changes, businesses change, and your brand will at some stage have to change too. Perhaps your business is looking to attract a new group of people? Expanding internationally? Or maybe your business has merged or acquired? Could it be that after many years of being in business, your brand has become too complicated? Does your branding accurately tell your brand story? A successful rebranding involves overhauling a company’s goals, message and culture. Sometimes it involves changing a name. And most often it involves changing a logo. The world’s largest operating system, Android, updated its visual identity this month to better connect the brand with Google. What Jason Fournier (director of Android Consumer Brand Management) wrote about it resonated with me: “Each time we overhaul our branding, we evaluate not only changing needs, but also future goals.” However, if you want to rebrand just because your brand identity looks old and outdated, then a subtle tweak to refresh it might be all you need. One such example is this recent work I did for the Irish Nutrition and Dietetic Institute. (My evolved design is the one to the right.) Whatever your business may need, why don’t you get in touch with me to discuss?
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