While logos are visual representations of a brand, taglines are audible representations of a brand. If your business name is not already descriptive of what you do, well then your tagline should be. A tagline starts with the values and truths that make your business what it is, it makes your business’ benefits clear to the target audience. Descriptive, inspirational or humorous, the best taglines are both a mission and an outcome. List all your business features and describe every single benefit in great detail. Write down any random words that comes to mind, including the negative ones. Let Thesaurus help you if you get a bit stuck. The more words, the better, even if they don’t sound right at all. What do people say about your business, product or service? List everything, being it positive or negative. The next step is to create short phrases from all these random words. Try not to be too clever. The best taglines use very simple words combined in a way that makes you remember them. A great example is Ronseal’s tagline: Does exactly what it says on the tin. Here’s a few more: The National Lottery: It could be you. Nike: Just do it. Apple: Think different. L’Oréal: Because you’re worth it. Tesco: Every little helps. Nokia: Connecting people. KFC: Finger lickin’ good. Kit Kat: Have a break. Have a Kit Kat. Pringles: Once you pop, you can’t stop. Carlsberg: Probably the best lager in the world. Interflora: Say it with flowers. Gillette: The best a man can get. Audi: Vorsprung durch technik. (Advancement Through Technology.) Avis: We try harder. Think clear communication and remember to be truthful. |
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